Darton Tax assessment for 1653, the year that Robert the emigrant was born.
The assessment for January 1652/53: -
Name shillings pence
Thomas Addye 16 9
William Hopton 3
Richard Barber 8
Thomas Hearon 3
Peter Bate 8
Francis White 5 0
George Mabson
Anthony Sikes 6
Edward Bromiloy 4
Thomas Prince the elder 5 0
Richard Gill 5 4
Nicholas Carr 10 10
William Broadhead 8 8
Matthew Hirst 2 2
John Pollarde 5 4
John Denton 5 2
Richard Denton
Anthonie Rodes 2 4
George Carr 2 4
George Beamont 16 9
John Barkhead? 3
Tim Hutchinson 1 6
widow Bradbury 6
Thomas Webster 1 0
John Newton 2
John Morehouse 1 0
William Denton 0 0
Richard Tottington 9 6
John Ramsden 0 0
Robert Leatham 9 6
Thomas Haige 3 4
Francis Haighe 6 0
Richard Wilson 3
Richard Estwood 1 6
William Litster 1 4
John Webster 1 4
widow Webster 0 0
George Nalor? 1 3
Thomas Lockwood
William Sparke 10
John Gibson 10
Thomas Ledgerd 0
John Sharpe 1 0
Robert Robucke 9
Richard Haighe 8
Thomas Firth 1 6
Thomas Hobson 9
William Michael 0
James Ray
Gervis Newton
John Hirst 10
William Thorneley 1 2
Swawell Hall
The tithe of Darton 15 4
The Coole pits 5 0
The Milne 3 0
Thomas Haighe for his own land 9
Francis Haighe for his land 8
William Brodhead for his land 9
The occupiers of Swawell Hall
Richard ?? 7 7
Thomas Haighe 4 2
John Shawe 1 3
Thomas Firth 6
John Webster 3 10
William Wilson
Thomas Lockwode 2 2
George ? 1 2
Thomas Roger 1 6
Jame Ray 2 8
Gervis Newton
John Hirst 2 2
Sume 9 pounds 5 0

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