Robert Ro(e)buck III, the emigrant.
Robert Ro(e)buck III, the emigrant, was
born in Darton Parish, Staincross, West Riding of Yorkshire,
England, in 1653, and came to America in 1674. (See Immigration Record) His Father was
Robert Ro(e)buck, Jr., Church Warden of Darton Parish Church,
Staincross, West Riding of Yorkshire, England, and his Mother
was Catherine Haigh. (See Family Tree)
At the time that Robert Ro(e)buck III,
the emigrant, came to America in 1674, the Calvert Family, Lords
Proprietor of Maryland, still granted 50 acres of land to anyone
who brought himself or another person into Maryland to live.
Robert Ro(e)buck III was one of five persons transported
by Mathias Dicosta of St. Mary's, Maryland as servants. The other
four were Richard Walker, Dorothy Madok, Richard Beavar and Ann
Temple. Matthias Dicosta, originally from Portugal, was granted
250 acres of land as can be seen on the Grant dated 1674 by clicking
on it's thumb nail. At the time of the 1672 Hearth Taxes in England,
the name Beever had a very tight distribution within the Graveship
of Holme, only 8 miles from Darton. (From the Borthwick research
paper 102; 'Yorkshire Surnames and the Hearth Tax returns of
1672-73' written by David Hey and George Redmonds). The name
Walker, on the other hand, was quite well distributed throughout
the West Riding of Yorkshire, but included some households actually
in Darton.
This Grant, would also seem to disprove that Robert was transported
along with a brother. There is also no evidence that Robert Roebuck
had a previous marriage in England.
The length of Robert Roebuck's stay and
his activities in Maryland are unknown. It is believed that he
moved directly South, across the broad area of the Potomac River
into Northumberland County, Virginia.
Robert Ro(e)buck III is first mentioned
in the Northumberland County records in 1699, when on June 23rd.
of that year he brought a law suit against William Jones, Executor
of Samuel Jones Estate. Later, in 1704, he was a witness to a
legal transaction.
His wife was Elizabeth Jones.
Robert Ro(e)buck III, the emigrant, died
on June 15, 1709, in Northumberland County, Virginia. The will
of Robert Ro(e)buck III, the emigrant, was ordered to be probated
on July 20, 1709. The Court Order is as follows:
Probate of the Last Will and Testament
of Robert Roebuck is granted to Robert Roebuck therein named
the said will being proved by the oaths of John Gaylore-Margth
Browne two of the witnesses therein named. Ref. 2 (Northumberland
County Order Book, 1699-1713, Part 2, P. 577, Virginia State
Robert Ro(e)buck III, the emigrant, had
only one child recorded, Robert Roebuck IV.
The Robert Ro(e)buck to whom probate was
granted was no doubt Robert Ro(e)buck IV who was born circa 1680/1688,
in Virginia. In May of 1710, a John Forest, an orphan, chose
this Robert Ro(e)buck as his guardian, who, in June, 1711, is
shown on the Northumberland Records as owing Thomas Crowder 515
pounds of tobacco.
Robert Ro(e)buck IV married Elizabeth Flowers
circa 1713 in Northumberland County, Virginia. Elizabeth Flowers
was born circa 1693 Northumberland County, Virginia, and later
remarried after Robert's death.
In 1727, Robert Ro(e)buck IV was appointed
a "processioner" for the Parish of Wiccocomoco of the
Anglican Church. Processioners were usually appointed to establish
boundary lines and assist in settling disputes between land owners.
He was to serve with Messrs. Copedge, Mahane, and Jones "for
the 4th Precinct beginning at John Taylor's line." This
is now the Parish of Wicomico. (The History of Wicomico Parish,
including 1703-1795 Vestry Minutes, page 26)
Click on the thumbnail to visit the Wicomico Parish Church web
site. Wicomico Parish Church (formerly Wiccocomoco) is in the
Northern Neck of Virginia; this is the peninsula of land bounded
by the Potomac River on the north and the Rappahannock River
on the south. For the avoidance of any possible misunderstanding,
this is not in the UK.
Robert Ro(e)buck IV lived out his lifetime
in Northumberland County, Virginia, dying there in 1751. Robert
wrote his will September 7, 1750. It was recorded in August 1751,
and the inventory was recorded August 12, 1751 having been made
by George Oldham, Charles Coppage, and Swan Lunsford. It was
signed by William Robuck, Exectr and William Barrett Exectr.
In his will Robert mentioned only three
of his sons and a wife named Elizabeth.
The will of Robert Ro(e)buck IV of Wicoccomoco
Parish, Northumberland County, Virginia, which was probated in
August, 1751, is as follows: -
To my son William my dwelling plantation
where I have lived. Two negroes James and Sauny, my still.
To wife Elizabeth two negroes Jane and
Frank to maintain her as long as she doth live and a bed.
To son John plantation where he now lives
for his lifetime.
To son Rawleigh plantation I bought of
Edwin (Edward) Saunders. One negro Peter, bed and furniture which
I now lie on.
My cattle, hogs, and household goods may
be divided between my wife and children.
William Robuck and William Barrett, Executors.
Witnessed by Rawleigh Robuck and Mary Richeson
His inventory included "one case of
pistols and holsters and sword, one suite Linnen Cloaths, one
Blew Duffle Great Coat, one Cannoe, 33 best Pewter, 6 flat plates,
1 Large Iron Bound Chest, one Square Table, and Cloath with Napkin,
One Looking Glass, Three old Bibbles."
Records show that in 1740 he gave William,
2 negro boys named Peter and Joe and one Negro girl named Frank;
and he gave Robert, 2 negro women (Jenny and Nan) and 2 negro
boys (Jimmy and Pole).
After his death, Elizabeth married William